Impact Wisconsin
The Ezra Project
The Ezra Project is a grass roots self-sustaining community based peer to peer recovery project in Waupaca Wisconsin.
Sustainability matters
Peer to Peer Recovery
Crisis Care for everyone
Critical on the job training
It’s Time to make an impact
A sustainable future for long term recovery…
Our mission is to serve anyone experiencing crisis or substance abuse disorder in Waupaca County and rural Wisconsin through experience, advocacy and evidence based practices.
Equal Access
That everyone in Waupaca, Waushara, Outagamie, Portage, Winnebago and Shawano counties have access to crisis care and addiction recovery solutions.
Strength & Hope
Impact’s peer specialists, coaches and trainers excel in providing support in crisis or substance abuse disorder by providing experience, strength and hope to those in need.
In using evidence based practices and providing clients with the objective, balanced, and responsible use of current research to guide policy and practice decisions we will remediate the effects of opiate abuse and reduce overdose deaths in our community.
Empowered To Thrive
We build healthy relationships with community members and clients by helping them to transform negative pasts to positive futures. This is the essence of peer to peer support..
Self Sustaining
Once initially funded, Café Ezra provides a space to meet the needs of those struggling with addiction, but also funds the center and the widely needed supplies and services. By design the project becomes self-sustaining and helps provide those who have suffered the effects of substance abuse disorder with critical “on the job” training in food service, business management, entry level accounting and customer service.
Partnerships improve outcomes and ensure long term success…
Impact Wisconsin will continue to build its partnerships in the community to provide Narcan and Narcan training, recovery coach training, Fentanyl testing strips and education, along with basic life support training in the event of an overdose emergency.
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Impact Wisconsin | Crisis and Recovery Solutions

Counties Served
Waupaca, Waushara, Outagamie, Portage, Winnebago and Shawano

Crisis Line

Crisis Line Hours
24/ 7 / 365